Tuesday, August 6, 2013

What rap has taught me! (Part I)

What most people may or well may not know is that I love music, especially rap music. From 1995- the present rap has taught me some of life's most valuable lessons. From Biggie to Jay Z, Cash Money Records to No Limit Records, and my Memphis rap Three Six Mafia all have taught me lessons that I still use today. Now I am going to let you in on the top 10 things rap taught me growing up.

1. Everything moves in the direction "From the Window to The Wall"

2. The only way to say YEAH is with dreadlocks and holding a purple chalis with crunk juice!

3. Big Tymers taught me that gator boots  go extremely well with Gucci suits!

4. Juvenile taught me that if your a big fine woman there's only one thing to do "Back That Ass Up."

5. DMX is the angriest rapper alive, while lil Wayne claims to be the best rapper alive. Still up for debate!

6. Trick Daddy taught me "Trick Love the Kids."

7. Outkast taught me that "Even Though You Like To Think Yo Shit Don't Stink, Just Lean Closer and You Will See It Smells like Poo...oooo....oooooo!"

8. Eminem taught me that having a child as a teen, will lead to hating the mother, who apparently is a mooching good for nothing drug addict, and being an angry white dude, but apparently it sells records. Who would have thought! Vanilla Ice should have been more of a dickhead.

9. Apparently being obese gets the ladies. For example, "I see some ladies tonight that should be having my baby... Uh... Baby...Uh!" -Biggie, "Some say I'm cute but just too chubby, same size a year later the same hoes wanna love me" - Mike Jones, and who could forget "I ain't a player I just crush a lot"- Big Punisher.

10.  Finally I have learned when you run out of ideas to rap about you can take old song and put your own lyrics in. I love Jay-Z but he started this mess with Hard Knock Life, and has trickled down to every song FLO-Rida makes. 

The takeaway here is that Rap music is awesome, no matter how sick a beat is, how lyrical the lyrics are, how banging it is in the club, how cheesy, or dumb it can all be interpreted however you like. 

With that being said here's my disclaimer I am not advocating whatever is said in the songs,  I am just merely expressing my belief that rap music can teach you something if you let it. 


Sunday, July 28, 2013

A Typical or Not So Typical Day... Depending on How You See It!

A ton of people have asked how I balance such a crazy schedule, it seems like I am constantly busy, which is true, but I am very OCD when it comes to planning and organizing my schedule so I can maximize my time efficiently. I look to balance all the things I need to do with the things that I want to do. 

So this morning started with a lick to face from my pup kahleesie. She's an Australian Kelpie that we rescued one year ago, and has been a handful at times, but now she's getting the hang of it and has turned into a really awesome dog. The only downside is that she wakes you up at 6 am to go outside, which is much better than the alternative,  cleaning up pee first thing in the morning. Nonetheless I wake up and we go for a walk. Once the walk is over I contemplate  going back to bed or waking up, this week I am working baseball camp so my day is completely booked so in order to prep for my CrossFit Competition at the end of August I am choosing to do two a days. 

So I decide the gym is calling my name because I do not want to let my team down during pur competition. So I quickly consume my fish oil, multi vitamin, banana nut protein shake, apple, and teaspoon of almond butter. As I sit eating and watching some ESPN I decide what skills I will need to work on this week, after planning some things out with my team for our competition, this week is pistols and knees to elbows. I usually meet up with Ferrone for two a days and he comes up with something crazy for us to do. I enjoy others programming because it allows the guess work to be eliminated plus it takes away my biases. I mean first thing in the morning is not a time I want to work on something I suck at, but Having Mike there usually pushes me to do just that.

Our workout started with tabata med ball sit-ups and knees to elbows and our wod was Cinco one from the 2013 Crossfit games. This workout consisted of three rounds of the following:
5 deadlifts at 405
10 pistols with a 53lb kb
And then
80 ft handstand walk

Takeaway Point number one working out first thing in the morning, is refreshing, opens up the evening for you after work, but also mixes up the norm.

After the gym I mix up a recovery drink of Amino X and head to baseball camp. Baseball camp starts at 8 a.m and runs until 4:00 p.m. Long days out in the sun. Another reason I like to workout in the morning because after being beatdown by the sun I have no clue how my body will feel during the evening training session. From 8-10 we do check in, orientation, stretching and throwing progressions, at 10 I eat again. With long days in the sun I have to make sure I hydrate but also eat plenty.  From 10-12 it's back on the baseball camp grind with infield instruction, 4 group rotations fill the two hours. 

From 12 to 1 we hit up the cafeteria for lunch. I bring lunch everyday a spinach salad 6 oz piece of grilled chicken with 2 tap of guac and 2 tsp of pico de gallo. 

Takeaway point two food prep is well worth it, and cafeteria food is atrocious. No wonder why obesity is rampant. I digress, that's a topic for another time.

From 1 to 2 we go to the UT pool. This is one of the highlights of my day because I get a chance to cool off, but I also get my  second workout of the day in. At the pool I work on intervals. Most days I try to do 10-15    25 m intervals( one pool length) underwater the whole way with a one minute rest between each interval. I wish I knew how to properly swim instead of just splashing around like a fool, hence the reason I stay underwater for lots of my swimming. Nonetheless it's a good workout. 

From 2 to 4 we head to the field to play intersquad games. This is fun, especially when the games are not blowouts because the kids still have joy in the game. At 3 I eat an apple have another banana nut protein shake with a tsp of almond butter and two fish oil tablets.

4 o'clock wraps up camp and I mix my pre workout pump HD and head over to CrossFit 813 for my third workout. Today's workout consisted of a strength complex called shankles  which was
One deadlift at 215
Three clean pulls at 215
One hang clean at 215
And two split jerks at 215
I was able to complete 5 sets of this complex which was extremely difficult on the grip.
The workout consisted of a 12 minute EMOM of
 30 double unders
Then alternating Kb snatches at 53lbs.

I also did heavy jerk which I got up to 285 which is still 15 lbs from my PR,but given all we have done this week I am happy with it.

After the workout I have my post wod recovery shake of Amino X and a two scoop protein shake mixed in vanilla almond milk. I usually leave the gym at 6 pm and get home at 6:20.

From 6:20 to 7:00 it's dinner prep, cook, shower, and get myself prepared for the next day so I can do it all again! 

Tonight's dinner was porkchops and corn on the Cobb. I usually love to grill, but was forced inside because of rain. However, the oven did a mean job of cooking it though, plus I can put it in, set and forget it. 

7:30 to 10:00 it is TV watching and relaxing. 7:30 is jeopardy, 8:00 was true blood from Sunday, 9:00 was Whodunnit? The murder mystery realty show on abc and then 10:00 was my casein protein shake and bedtime. As you can see each hour is pretty jam packed and most days are very similar in structure. 

The third and final takeaway point of tjos entry os that structure leads to productivity and productivity leads to doing things you like to do because you got all the things you had to get done, well done. In my case I love the gym, watching TV, hanging with my beautiful wife, and playing with my dogs. 

Full your days with a balance of things you love doing because if not the days become a grind, which can wear you down, stress you out, and lead to a number of negative life components. 

Organize, plan, and have structure with your days and your life can be successful and fun. It's that easy!

Until next time...


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

76% or 24%???

Ok so a study was done on a majority of the people in the world. No subgroup was excluded. The population of people surveyed included men, women, children, teens, elderly, you name it if they had a pulse they were surveyed. All races and ethnic groups, as well as, multicultural people were surveyed.
These people were surveyed on the following pieces of information:

Common sense
Problem solving
Ability to distinguish right from wrong
Spatial awareness
Social skills
Motor skills 
Following verbal directions
Following written directions

Easy battery of skills right. Well the results were shocking:

76% of the people failed the tests
24% of the people passed these tests.

What that tells me is that 24% of the people in this world "GET IT" and 76% of the people in this world just "DON'T GET IT" 

So what was the reason for these results. Who knows it is probably a combination of different variables, but one things for certain a decline in the education system, a decline in economy, a decline in humanity itself, a decline in healthy people, and much more are totally apparent.  The topics listed here are debatable for other posts, but these are enough to show my point that we have problems.

The takeaway here is be proactive not reactive. Teach your children at an early age how to be a good person through manners and positive social interactions, be a goal setter by setting small intrinsic goals that can keep you on track, and learn to accept failure and move forward from it by being a problem solver. Stay away from reactive approaches, as much as possible by not waiting for problems to occur to decide a line of action. I understand that problems may arise and that being reactive happens sometimes, I understand that, but 90% of problems according to the publishers of the study say that these problems arise because you to take reactive approaches which were caused by a lack of initiation and follow through in previous situations. For example you go to the hospital because you are having chest pains, the doctor says you are having a heart attack, you then think to yourself man I can't believe this happened out of nowhere, I felt fine yesterday and then today I am hospitalized. You then may think to yourself now I need to change hence a reactive approach. The reason I say this is reactive is because the doctor now comes in and says you need to change your diet, start exercising, and ease back on the booze, well this,  if you had done it in the beginning would have been the proactive approach. It is easy for us to fall into this trap because the reactive approach has been imbedded into our psyche forever. We learn from mistakes when we started walking we fell many times, bumped into many walls, and received a few boo boo's, but over the course of making mistakes we learned to slowly react in better ways. 

Take some time to sit back and analyze and THINK about where you want to be and where you want to go. Finally ask yourself are you part of the 76% or part of the 24%. If you don't know or have to ask then your a 76%. Which is fine there's always room to be a part of the 24, and if you are already part of the 24 club... Just know any moment you could be in the 76%.

On to the next one....


Monday, July 15, 2013

On deck in the days to come!

Are you part of the 76% or 24%?

Social Media do's and dont's. Feel free to call me out here.

Motivational Rap 

A day in the life of DB!


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Case of the Mondays

It is inevitable that if you work like normal people you have had a case of the Mondays. As I sit here Sunday evening writing this I am sure many of you are building that hate for the day that is dreaded by most.... Monday! 

With that in mind I pose the question: Why do Mondays get such a bad wrap?

Mondays are inevitable people get over the blahs, ughs, and omgs that you start Mondays with. How? Keep reading,but first  I want to understand why this dreaded day is so bad. 

I guess two days off really do shock the body, and put us in chillax mode just enough to make the start of the work week dreadful. Speaking of the start of the work week why do we associate Mondays with the start of the week, if you look at any calendar you will see that Sundays are the start of the week. Why don't we hate Sundays? Is it because it's the  Holy day? If you are truly religious everyday should be holy... right??? (Religion, another day)  I guess that thing called work does make a difference. Waking up early, grinding out the day, following the rules that the man throws in front of you...I guess I could see that. So that spurs another issue, do you hate.... or dislike your job so much that going every Monday is just so dreadful that you stereotype each Monday as a big ball of suck!  I shouldn't say you, because I am just as guilty of this as everyone else. Especially when school is in, or depending on how much fun, and how long I draw out my weekend. We choose to party hardy and take full advantage of time on our Weekends... If you don't we'll you should. Live life to the fullest especially on the days that are meant for it. 

Now Daniel that is contradictory. You are saying don't bitch about Mondays, but live it up on your weekends? Yup! 

Well How in the hell do we do that?
 There's an old saying, I think it's a saying... Everything in moderation! (Except wine drink that shit by the bottle, or at least thats what my mom says) I am not saying don't enjoy your weekend, but think twice about the necessity of doing coke lines off a strippers booty, or chasing your shot of fireball with a shot of patron. I am not telling you how to live your life so if you choose to do those things my next suggestion would be to make sure you love your job and that you truly enjoy being there. If your job doesn't seem like work, and you look forward to going everyday; than by all means snort lines off booties. It's an expression by no means am I condoning drug use, but once again I am not here to judge or tell you how to live your life. So if you can't change your work status and you must party like a rock star every Friday night through Monday morning than I would suggest this next piece of advice, which in reality is probably the most useful for all. 

Change up your routine on Mondays. Go to the gym early, watch the sunrise, plan a coffee date, plan a make out session, plan to seduce your wife, DvR your favorite show and wake up early and watch it. I guess what I am saying is sneak up on your Monday and make it your bitch. Plan something you enjoy first thing Monday so that you look forward to each week instead of the alternative. 

I will leave you with this Don't let Monday control you, You control it. Today is your Monday so do with it what you like! 

Until next time... ( still trying to find a better way to close out my blog of you have any suggestions please leave them in the comment section )


On Deck In The Days To Come!

Here's some topics you can expect to hear about in the days to come

Motivational thoughts ( inspiration for the week to come)

Shit my parents said

House hunting

A day in the life of DB through pictures.

How my mind works?