Sunday, July 7, 2013

Case of the Mondays

It is inevitable that if you work like normal people you have had a case of the Mondays. As I sit here Sunday evening writing this I am sure many of you are building that hate for the day that is dreaded by most.... Monday! 

With that in mind I pose the question: Why do Mondays get such a bad wrap?

Mondays are inevitable people get over the blahs, ughs, and omgs that you start Mondays with. How? Keep reading,but first  I want to understand why this dreaded day is so bad. 

I guess two days off really do shock the body, and put us in chillax mode just enough to make the start of the work week dreadful. Speaking of the start of the work week why do we associate Mondays with the start of the week, if you look at any calendar you will see that Sundays are the start of the week. Why don't we hate Sundays? Is it because it's the  Holy day? If you are truly religious everyday should be holy... right??? (Religion, another day)  I guess that thing called work does make a difference. Waking up early, grinding out the day, following the rules that the man throws in front of you...I guess I could see that. So that spurs another issue, do you hate.... or dislike your job so much that going every Monday is just so dreadful that you stereotype each Monday as a big ball of suck!  I shouldn't say you, because I am just as guilty of this as everyone else. Especially when school is in, or depending on how much fun, and how long I draw out my weekend. We choose to party hardy and take full advantage of time on our Weekends... If you don't we'll you should. Live life to the fullest especially on the days that are meant for it. 

Now Daniel that is contradictory. You are saying don't bitch about Mondays, but live it up on your weekends? Yup! 

Well How in the hell do we do that?
 There's an old saying, I think it's a saying... Everything in moderation! (Except wine drink that shit by the bottle, or at least thats what my mom says) I am not saying don't enjoy your weekend, but think twice about the necessity of doing coke lines off a strippers booty, or chasing your shot of fireball with a shot of patron. I am not telling you how to live your life so if you choose to do those things my next suggestion would be to make sure you love your job and that you truly enjoy being there. If your job doesn't seem like work, and you look forward to going everyday; than by all means snort lines off booties. It's an expression by no means am I condoning drug use, but once again I am not here to judge or tell you how to live your life. So if you can't change your work status and you must party like a rock star every Friday night through Monday morning than I would suggest this next piece of advice, which in reality is probably the most useful for all. 

Change up your routine on Mondays. Go to the gym early, watch the sunrise, plan a coffee date, plan a make out session, plan to seduce your wife, DvR your favorite show and wake up early and watch it. I guess what I am saying is sneak up on your Monday and make it your bitch. Plan something you enjoy first thing Monday so that you look forward to each week instead of the alternative. 

I will leave you with this Don't let Monday control you, You control it. Today is your Monday so do with it what you like! 

Until next time... ( still trying to find a better way to close out my blog of you have any suggestions please leave them in the comment section )


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